Elevate Your Recovery

Just “hangin’ on” is not enough…

Here at Raise the Bar Recovery, we believe humans absolutely have the capacity to live happy, joyous and free lives. It may take a little work to create new habit patterns, unearth some trauma or heal a wound, but it’s all completely, naturally possible with a few simple anchors.

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Results in 40 Days

On a healing journey and feeling stuck? At a crossroads? Join the next 40 day program to support or boost your healing, recovery and vitality.


( Re-cover) - a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.

Recovery from addiction, cancer, grief, loss, trauma, ptsd, substance abuse, eating disorders, gambling, co-dependency, technology and sex all have some common threads. Once the most superficial habit or wound has been addressed, the deeper causes of dis-ease, or dis-connection can be brought to light. This takes time, patience, tenderness and deep levels of awareness. Ultimately, this more subtle inner work yields the lasting wellness and true vitality that we often seek.

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Hi, I’m Dorcas. I’ve been on a path of discovery and recovery for over 25 years. I believe wholeheartedly that we all have what we need within us and we are powerful beyond measure when we are aligned and connected. That said, being aligned and connected in any sustainable manner is actually kinda tricky…

Learn more about Dorcas

Hi, I’m Katie. I’ve been on a path of discovery and recovery for over 40 years. I’m passionate about living authentically and helping people get the support they need to thrive in life. Learn more about Katie

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With 1-on-1 Consults, Coaching, 40-Day Intensive Journeys, education, certification programs, take your recovery support from treatment to living successfully in the world.